As an artistic fashion junky I grew up loving the arts and expression. Following my love and desire to improve my craft, I attended Northwest College of Art in Poulsbo, Wa. Where I graduated with a BFA in 2007, double majoring in graphic design and fine art. Within the past few years I have enjoyed doing freelance photography, design, and fine art…

As of now, I have no idea where I want to go with art OR how I am going to get there. I have been a floundering artist always producing, producing, producing, while forgetting to stop and think about what I am doing. And who I am doing it for. I am open to God’s will and what he wants for my life, not what I want anymore.

I am currently employed at Cornestone Christian Fellowship in Chandler AZ. doing full time design and creative work. I am always researching new ideas, styles and challenges in order to consistently improve my craft. Comments, e-mails, and questions are always loved. I would LOVE to get to know you.

CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE: promisetangeman.com

this is my love brian wurzell AND his band brayline

5 responses to “ABOUT ME

  1. linked back ma’am (: thanks for the link love! Adios muchacha…

  2. I really love your blog. You are super talented. It makes my heart rejoice to see people who truly love the Lord. You are on my favorites list. 🙂

  3. So I totally don’t know you, but I saw your blog as the oct/nov flava on ragamuffin soul, your creativity inspires me, and I just wanted to tell you. and im also stealing some of your bracelet ideas.

  4. you should so steal those ideas. they are really easy to make

  5. Heyyyyyy, we have the same last name :] strange.

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